Headteacher's Newsletter
7th February 2025
Dear Parents,
Careers Week 24 February
School Values: Make a Difference Be Passionate about Learning Be Kind Be Respectful
The week beginning the 24th February, we will be participating in a 'Careers Fair' in school. Research shows us that starting career-related learning early is important. Pupils start to adopt stereotypes based on gender, ethnicity and social background from an early age. Such stereotypes can go on to influence career and subject choices. By embedding career-related learning into the curriculum, we can broaden your children's aspirations and challenge any stereotypes; this may ultimately have a positive impact on their future life choices.
We are keen to show a range of professions. As part of this, we would like to invite parents to join us during the week to talk to the children about your chosen career. If you would like to come in and talk to the children, please email admin@stvincents.trafford.sch.uk or let your class teacher know.
Stay and Share
School Values: Make a Difference Be Passionate about Learning Be Kind Be Respectful
Each half term we invite parents in Years 1-6 to come into school to join the children in the classroom to see what they have been learning about. This provides a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the children’s hard work. It is also a good way for families to get involved and see the activities children have been completing. Thank you to the parents who came for the Stay and Share today. The next Stay and Share session will take place on Friday 14th March at 8:30am.
Maths Enrichment Day
School Values: Make a Difference Be Passionate about Learning Be Kind Be Respectful
During Maths Enrichment Day, children were invited to come to school dressed as rockstars or in their own clothes with a fun accessory. The day was packed with engaging maths activities to challenge and inspire the children whilst being maths rockstars!
For children in Years 2 to 6, the excitement continued with the NSPCC Rocks national competition on the Times Tables Rock Stars platform. It was a fantastic opportunity for the children to showcase their speed and knowledge of times tables as they worked through the questions.
Safer Internet Day 2025
School Values: Make a Difference Be Passionate about Learning Be Kind Be Respectful
Next week on Tuesday 11th February, our school will celebrate Safer Internet Day. This year’s theme is ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online,’ which focuses on teaching children and young people how to identify and avoid scams. We will be inviting guest speakers in to discuss scams with the children, acting out scenarios and learning about the different ways to spot a scam. Additionally, our Digital Leaders will be presenting assemblies to share what they know about the topic.
To support our work on this important topic, we would love for you to talk to your child about what you know about scams. You may like to use one of these prompts to start a conversation with your child:
- What’s your favourite thing to do online?
- What signs would you look out for to spot a scam?
- What advice would you give to your friends about scams?
- Who would you talk to if you saw a scam online?
If you would like to learn more about online safety, please visit our school website page https://www.stvincents.trafford.sch.uk/page/online-safety/22408 or visit https://saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2025/tips-for-parents-and-carers
Nut Free Bake Sale
School Values: Make a Difference Be Passionate about Learning Be Kind Be Respectful
All parents are invited to come to school to enjoy a cake sale coffee morning. Why not take some time to meet other parents over a coffee and cake. Please bring cake donations on Thursday 13th February.
The following PTA events will be taking place in March and July. Posters are attached with more information and tickets are available to purchase now on ParentPay:
- Friday 7th March from 6pm Y1 Disco
Y3 & Y4 Film Night
- Friday 14th March from 6pm Y2 Disco
Y5 & Y6 Film Night
- Friday 4th July from 3:30pm Reception Disco
Attendance and Punctuality
School Values: Make a Difference Be Passionate about Learning Be Kind Be Respectful
Please refer to our term dates for 2024-25 and 2025-26 when considering booking holidays. Please note that holidays cannot be authorised in term time. St Vincent's Catholic Primary School Trafford: Term Dates and Times of the School Day Please see below the attendance percentages for last week.
Key School Dates
School Values: Make a Difference Be Passionate about Learning Be Kind Be Respectful
Day |
Date |
Event |
Location |
Thursday |
13 February |
KS1 Class Assembly 9:05am: Led by Y1 Miss Reid’s class |
Infant department hall |
Friday |
14 February |
PTA coffee morning and cake sale School closes for half term 3:30pm |
- |
half term |
We offer an open door to parents. If you have any questions about school life, please liaise with your class teacher. Mrs Farrell (infant deputy), Mrs Sutton (junior deputy), and I are also available to work in partnership with you.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Harrop