St Vincent's Family Feedback
Parent and Carer Survey Responses 2023-24
All of the parents in the St Vincent's school commuity were invited to respond to a survey. The results were overwhelmingly positive. A committee considered the outcomes of the survey, so that we could celebrate successes and identify ways forward. The survey provided our community with the opportunity to give examples of what parents and carers would find helpful, what the school can do to support them and help us understand what is important to our families.
Themes of Success
- Support and provision in learning
- The school has high expectations
- Children achieve well at school
- Behaviour managment and pastoral support is effective
Themes of Development
- More places for extracurricular opportunities after school
- More information on how parents can support learning at home
- More opportunities to talk to the class teacher to find out about their child’s progress and learning
What we have done
- Governor committee reviewed responses
- We are participating in all the partnership after school sports events and have added debating, chess, Spanish, Mandarin and tennis to the extra curriculuar choices for after school activities.
- Increased school visits and school visitors to enhance the curriculum
- Increased online platforms, continued termly curriculum information newsletters, and increased parent curriculum meetings
- Introduced a stay and share session for parents to see their child's books
- Reintroduced mid year reports
- We will continue to produce termly advice on how to support your child with the learning related to the themes and topics being taught
- We will continue to provide timely and accessible opportunities for parents to be informed about the progress of their child and ways they can support with specific areas of learning
- We will continue to add information about what the children are being taught to the school’s website
How will you know what changes are taking place
- Staff will be available to talk with parents and have an open door approach to communication
- We will use the website calendar of events, weekly newsletter and X (Twitter) feeds to remind parents of developments
We survey once a year, however, if you would like to provide feedback before this time, please take advantage of our open door policy and have a chat with us.